Guizhou Travel FAQs

General Information

When is the best time to visit Guizhou?
As Guizhou has a subtropical humid climate, there is few seasonal changes during all year round. The winter is not cold while the summer is not too hot. The average temperature in all the year is 15℃around with plenty of rainfall. Tourists can visit Guizhou province at any time of a year while the summer and autumn are thought to be the best travel seasons for weather. Or you can consider to visit Guizhou is during the ethnic minority group’s major festivals. The biggest festivities are held during Spring.

What to bring if I travel to Guizhou?
The personal items listed below are general main stuffs recommended to keep with you when you are travelling to Yunnan:

  • ‘Layered’ clothing for flexibility or Strong and quick-drying outdoor clothing
  • T-shirts or long and short sleeved shirts/sweaters
  • Comfortable walking shoes, Sandals
  • Long loose fitting pants
  • Sun hat, sunglasses, suntan lotion, lipsticks, umbrella/rainwear, day pack etc.
  • Mosquito repellent
  • The hotel facility is lower rate in the remote areas, it is suggested you to bring an inner sheet or a light sleeping bag incase any use.

The above list is the regular things to pack, we will provide a list of appropriate travel stuffs depending on your travel types, itineraries and travel areas.

Are credit cards accepted in Guizhou?
Most major hotels in larger cities will accept major credit cards. But if you are travelling for lessor-visited, smaller or lessor-visited areas, remember to bring sufficient cash incase there is no bank to withdraw money and the credit cards may not be accepted.

Travel & Tours

Where are your tours going in Guizhou?
Our tours cover the popular destinations of Guizhou province, but also offer the off-beaten-track tours in remote or lesser-visited parts for hidden explorations.

What are your Guizhou tours features?
All of our offerings are built around a passion to create original itinerary and splendid experience, to present you sites with unique insights and hidden traces. Our tours are not fixed on the popular sights, but also demonstrate both breadth and depth with adding new ideas that take you to a journey beneath the surface of the region.

What do you mainly focus on?
Guizhou is rich in both cultural and natural landscapes, as well as ethnic folk customs. Our Guizhou tours are trying to offer a combination of them with an unforgettable travel experience.

Lodging and Dining

What are the accommodations like in Guizhou?
The capital city of Guiyang has hotels ranging from budget to luxury. In other lesser cities such as Kaili have average hotels with 2 or 4 star categories. In smaller towns, the hotels are more basic without star rated hotels. Further in remote towns, the accommodation is rudimentary or the guest house with dorm bed and outhouse toilet. Sometimes you have to spend night in local family for an experience or limited conditions.

Does the hotel room have access or WIFI to internet?
The internet access or wifi service is available in hotel rooms in some popular or bigger cities or towns, not all, and not for hotels in remote or smaller places.

What can I eat in Guizhou?
There is a wide variety of foods available in Guizhou Province, with the local taste being for spicy dishes. The food can be very tasty.


Can you reserve the air tickets and train tickets for Guizhou?
Yes, we can help for air tickets and train tickets reservation. The earlier booking, the more guaranteed that is suggested to book the tickets at least 20 days prior to the trip schedule and your scancopied passport front page is required.

What vehicle do you use in Guizhou?
The vehicles we provide for our clients are available for varied group size. Generally, a car is provided for a group of 2 persons, a business van for a group of 5 persons, a medium bus for a group of over 10 persons. We provide a larger vehicle with more seats than the number of people on the tour, to make sure you are comfortable and have space for all your baggage. The road condition in Guizhou is generally good, but in a few time the jeep may be offered for the areas involve tough road driving and off road excursions.