Our Big Event Groups Snapshot

The Scientific Research Tour in Namche Barwa and Yarlung Zangpo River Grand Canyon in Tibet, which were divided into A, B and C programs and organized by Professor Richard Fisher who is from the University of Arizona of United States. Afterwards, under the help of Mr. Richard Fisher, Namche Barwa Canyon was authorized as the deepest canyon on earth by Guinness World Records (see attached pictures).

A 14-persons delegation from the Alaska State of United States, coming to participate the 4th session of Women’s International Congress (Beijing), joins in Tibet travel group.

Twelve persons and 24 days western Tibet Scientific Research Tour regarding the research theme of the Relations between Global Earth Conformation and Climates. The group is as Mr. Kenneth. J. Hsu as the leader who is the member of The National Academy of Sciences with other 3 members of The National Academy of Sciences and a member of German Academy of Sciences. (See Attached Picture) (Mr. Kenneth J. Hsu, is a scientist and geologist. He studied at the National Central University, Ohio State University, and University of California, Los Angeles. Hsu has been working with Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He is also a member of National Academy of Sciences. Additionally, Hsu was the 1984 Bownocker Lecturer at Ohio State University.)

A 10 persons China Kham Area Cultures and Landscapes Photographing Tour, organized by High Aisa Exploratory Mountain Travel Co. from United States (Picture Attached).

Designed all the programs and itinerary for an American documentary production. They took filming tour in Dujiangyan Sichuan for their new series of “Water! Water! Water”.

The Scientific Research group regarding Petroleum Geology in the north part of Sichuan Basin, organized by ChevronTexaco of United States.

The Scientific Research Group concerning Natural Gas and Electricity Network in East Sichuan, organized by Unocal Corp. of United States.

Netherland Caravan Tour group: Organized by Netherland travel agent, drive 22 days with 2 caravans and 25 persons started from Amsterdam to China by crossing Europe-Asian Continent and enter into the Chinese boundary at Hor in Xinjiang Province, pass through Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Shannxi, Henan, Shanxi and Hebei and finally arrive Beijing (See Attached Pictures).

China Self-Driving tour group organized by ORV Magazine & Landcruiser Adventures Co. Ltd from Munich Germany. It is a big tour with 27 landcruisers and 4 Tatras shipped from Germany and 52 persons, landed in Shanghai, passing by Jiangsu, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Gansu, Shannxi, Henan, Hebei and exit at Tianjin, totally 53 days.

Mt. Everest & Mt. Gongga Trekking Tour organized by Allibert Trekking Company of France: The group entered into China via Zhangmu border and trekking (Climbing) on Mt. Everest in Tibet and Mt. Gongga in Sichuan, exit China from Chengdu. The tour lasted for 24 days with group size of 16 pax (See Attached Picture).

Mt. Annemaqen Trekking Tour organized by Terres D'adventure France. It is totally 16 days with 23 persons trekking at Annemaqen Mountain in Qinghai Province(See Attached Picture).

Large scale West Tibet Mt. Kailash Pilgrimage Tour organized by a British Tibetologists, Mr.Brown. The group members come from from 23 countries with 75 persons.