Yuanyang Terrace Field
Many ethnic groups live in the Ailao mountains in Honghe Prefecture in Yunnan province. The Hani and Yi ethnic groups live on the mountain sides.
Their terraced fields are one of the most inspiring scenes in southern Yunnan that has created an environmental wonder in mountain area. With the cultivating history for more than 1,300 years, the best place to view the terraced fields is in the south of Yuanyang County, where the area of terraced fields amount to more than 11,000 hectares, and for more than 3,000 steps of which stretch from the foot of a hill up to the top. Yuanyang is also a bustling mosaic of brilliant color for many ethnic minorties groups, who make up the bulk of the people in town and the rural scenery. Women in dazzlingly embroidered outfits toted bushel baskets of produce that seemed to glow in the alpine light.